Engineering Services

What we do

  • A new way for concept engineering. We help to develop new technical solutions addressing cost- and time-savings.
  • Furthermore, Xeedcom can evaluate existing technical concepts regarding efficiency, safety and manufacturing costs.
  • Depending on project and size, Xeedcom engineering might deliver the complete development process, services in requirements engineering, concept consulting or reviews.
  • Xeedcom - supporting your development - from first ideas the finished product

Xeedcoms new way for concept engineering to creating new innovations reducing the development time and costs.
Xeedcom Engineering especially delivers expertise in the following fields:
Vacuum Engineering - Efficient vacuum machine architecture, efficient vacuum design, large chambers, efficient balancing of key factors.
Roll to Roll Engineering - With decades of experience and cooperation with globally renowned experts, Xeedcom delivers better web handling at minimal costs.
Complex machine designs - Multiple functions, limited space, special material requirements, difficult temperatures handling? Increasing complexity leading to bigger pay out for proper machine architecture.  
Lab automation - How to increase output in research by improved technical efficiency? Let us evaluate your research process.
Rapid Prototyping - Time lapse for your development? Prototype an idea? Sometimes it is better to test an idea fast! Challenge us and accelerate your iteration process. 
Light weight designs - Material combinations, proper dimensioning, materials savings - cost and weight is mostly influenced by the concept. 
Additional concepts or technical reviews can help to identify new opportunities delivering more value at lower costs.
  • If you are an innovator in one of these fields, contact us for an evaluation if we can help adding value.

Full Stack Engineering
  1. Requirements Engineering
  2. Systems Engineering
  3. Design drafting, CAD Design, FEM Simulation
  4. Risk Studies / CE
  5. Prototyping, Testing, supplier concept
  6. Qualification, QA and QC concepts
  7. Technical Documentation


Working in the research, Xeedcom will offer full confidentiality in related legal documents as well as state of the art data safety and security concepts.

Xeedcom - the powerhouse for development engineering